© Creative Fibres 2010

Last updated: 12-12-2023


2024 Open Day:
October 19th






About Us

What we do

How to find us


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Although we are "Weavers, Spinners, and Dyers", we encourage and enjoy all textile disciplines, and we meet each month at Box Hill Village Hall.
Often, activities are arranged for the whole day:

For a proportion of the meetings we run specialist workshops, for which fees are charged based on the cost for the tutor and any specialist materials she may supply. Places for workshops are limited so it is usual to book your place in advance. Past workshops have included beading, temari, braiding, spinning, basketry, and lots more.
(Members not taking part in classes are always welcome to attend in a separate area of the hall.)

When there is no tutor or speaker engaged, we sometimes arrange a co-operative class on a set topic. More experienced members can demonstrate techniques, and hints and tips are exchanged.

Otherwise, we have a "General Activity Day". These free-format days are our opportunity to complete unfinished projects from our workshops (or elsewhere), and use the techniques and ideas learnt to create something special. Members often bring along their spinning wheel, loom, or other work in progress. If anyone is having problems with a project there is probably someone on hand who will be more than happy to help. These days are free to members.